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W H E R E  I ' V E  B E E N

Like a lot of people who love traveling, I strongly identify with the saying: 

" I  haven' t  been  everywhere ,  but  it' s  on  my  list . "

Curious to see where I've been? Use the interactive map above to check out where my travels have taken me thus far! If I have a blog post or guide associated with the city, there will be a link to it when you click on the pin. To keep things streamlined, within the US I only marked the cities I've lived in, which are: Dallas, Los Angeles, and Denver.

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I keep a running list of all the places I want to visit, and it's growing all the time. As I continue to travel and explore the world, I will update the map above. So if you check back soon...there might just be a new pin on the map! 


Every place I've visited holds a special place in my heart, but there are definitely spots that stand out above the others. I feel like I'm constantly finding new favorite cities! My favorite kinds of places are the ones that I feel like I could go to over and over again and continually discover something new to love about them. Each destination holds new gems to be uncovered.

Where are you favorite places? What cities speak to you? 

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