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Updated: Dec 30, 2019

I’ve always been a pretty independent person, but I stumbled into solo travel almost accidentally. I had never been against it, but I had also never actively thought about it being a possibility for me. Shortly after I started working in education, I realized that spring break was coming up and, since I’d been working corporate with little to no extended vacation time to think of, I had no plans. Ecstatic at the idea of a full WEEK to go somewhere, I immediately started researching travel destinations. The realization that none of my friends would be able to take off that amount of time from work barely slowed me down. “Oh well, I’ll just go on my own!” Two weeks later, I was off to Ireland on my very first solo adventure.

I’ve only been on a few solo trips myself so far, but it’s something that I think every woman should experience at least once in her life! So if you’re planning your next solo trip, trying to figure out how to start, or even just intrigued by the idea of traveling on your own, keep reading for my top three tips to planning your best solo trip EVER.


My biggest piece of advice for ladies looking to travel on their own is to travel smart, not scared. Unfortunately as women, statistically we do face a number of threats, prejudices, and even inconveniences that men do not when they’re out alone. But never let that scare you or hold you back from making the most out of your experience!

For example, should you hide in your hostel/hotel/Airbnb after the sun sets for fear of walking alone at night? Absolutely not. But when you do venture out after dark, just stay alert and vigilant and avoid walking in parts of town that may be considered “sketchy.” There are endless precautions you can take that won’t detract from your trip. Here are a few others that I always keep in mind:

  • Map out how to get from point A to point B before leaving your current location. It’s helpful to know where you’re going ahead of time so you don’t have to get your phone out and fumble with the directions or a map. Nothing says "vulnerable tourist" like a visibly lost and distracted person...especially if they're alone.

  • Get an international phone plan. Yes, it will be more of an investment than if you chose to solely rely on Wi-Fi everywhere you go, but you can't put too high a price on your safety. The last thing you want to have happen is to get lost, stranded, or in a bad situation with no access to the internet or your contacts.

  • Getting too drunk can be dangerous whether you’re drinking at the bar down the street from your house or in a pub halfway across the world. You’re still allowed to have fun when you’re traveling alone, but just make sure you know your limits.

Basically what I’m saying is: Liam Neeson is not your dad and you are not in Taken. I’m not saying it’s impossible for this to happen, but the likelihood of something tragic happening is far less than you think. Especially if you travel smart.


This is it…this is your chance to do EXACTLY what you want on a trip without having to compromise with anyone else. There is no “right” way to travel, especially when it’s just you. If you want to sleep in a bit and have a leisurely day just wandering through town, do it. If you’re a huge history buff and want to hit up so many museums it would make other peoples' heads spin, go for it. It’s all up to you.

This also applies to how you choose your trip. I have a running list of all the places I want to go with other people and another of places I would enjoy traveling solo. For many of my dream destinations, I envision myself traveling to with friends or family. But when I'm choosing a destination to travel to solo, it helps if the place meets these certain criteria:

  • Generally safe. As I mentioned above, I encourage traveling smart, not scared. However, being smart also means taking safety concerns into consideration. Places with a higher crime rating or travel advisory warning won’t usually make the cut if I’m going on my own.

  • High percentage of English speakers. While I love learning about new languages, if I’m alone I am most comfortable in a place where I know I can communicate with others in my native tongue if needed. That being said, I always try to memorize words and phrases in the language of the country to which I’m traveling. For example, using “hello,” “thank you,” “excuse me” and one of the most useful for me (hehe) “cheers!” I’ve learned that even if it’s not perfect, the locals will appreciate the effort.

  • Plenty of activities and things to do/see. I’m not necessarily someone who wants to squeeze as much as humanly possible into one trip, but I also like having the option of something to do at any given moment. Personally, if I were to go to a location where the main activity is lounging on the beach, I’d probably get bored pretty quickly if I was by myself.

This is not to limit you by any means, but for a beginner solo traveler this checklist helped me choose destinations with the best possible outcomes for my trip.


This may seem like an obvious tip for when you’re traveling alone, but believe it or not, I didn't anticipate missing extended social interactions after only the first day. I learned that while I am an introvert, I do crave a small daily dose of social interaction. If you’re traveling solo, a lot of people will recommend staying in a hostel for both social and financial reasons. While staying in a hostel does allow for easy social connections, sharing space with others 24/7 would not be enjoyable for me in the slightest so I have always opted to rent a flat on Airbnb. It’s more affordable than a hotel and you get the added bonus of feeling a little bit like a local. You just have to do what’s right for you.

Since I don’t make social connections through my lodging, I have to find other ways to interact with people each day. I’ve found that the best options for me are:

  • Booking organized tours. Not only does this provide you with an entire group of people to potentially bond with, it also takes away a lot of the stress of planning for whatever excursion you’re on. And if you find you’re not in a particularly chatty mood that day, you’re under no obligation to be social. *On my first solo trip I went to Ireland and since I only had four full days, I made Dublin my home base and did organized day trips with a tour company (shout out to Paddywagon!) three of the four days. Not only did I get to see practically the entire island with minimal stress (yep, I was able to see everything from Galway and the Cliffs of Moher to Belfast and the coasts of Northern Ireland), I also had plenty of people willing to take my picture in all of these amazing spots…as long as I did the same for them, of course!

  • Eating at the bar of a restaurant. You have the built-in interaction with the bartender and it’s up to you how much or how little you want to talk. Most bartenders I've chatted with were very interested in my travels, what brought me to their home country, and what I thought of it. *Similarly, if you want to get a taste of local nightlife, feel free to scope out a fun drinking establishment and grab yourself a seat at the bar. Just know that there is a possibility you will get mildly teased if you bring a book into an Irish pub and start reading ;)

If you have a desire to travel the world solo, chances are you’re a fairly independent person. Just remember that the people you meet along the way can sometimes be an even bigger part of your trip than the destination. Meeting locals and learning about their culture and hearing about their view of the world is one of the best parts about traveling. At the same time, don’t discount the other “tourists” you may meet. Some of my favorite memories of my first solo trip were bonding with the five (yes, FIVE!) other female solo travelers on my day trip to Northern Ireland. Everyone has a story to tell, no matter where they’re from.

As a woman, traveling solo was one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done. You may know that you are smart and capable and brave (otherwise you probably wouldn’t be considering solo travel to begin with!), but after navigating a foreign country on your own you can feel these things in your soul. If you haven’t done it yet, I encourage you to try. And if you have, where did you go? I could always use some more recommendations for my list…

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